We are committed to being a responsible corporate citizen in many ways. Some examples are:
- Ethical business conduct;
- Environmental impact reductions;
- Animal welfare;
- Product safety, quality and nutrition;
- Employee safety, inclusion and professional development; and
- Community support and philanthropy.
Every year we publish a global impact report to share our accomplishments and goals in these areas and others.
Previous Global Impact Reports
The Hormel Foods Supplier Code of Conduct is designed to ensure that the quality of products and services we receive from our suppliers follows our commitment to responsible economic, environmental, and social performance as directly linked to our activities and products. In partnership with our suppliers, we deliver quality, nutritious and convenient food products.
Our Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) outlines our expectations and requirements for all suppliers. “Supplier” means any company, corporation, or other entity that sells or seeks to sell goods or services to Hormel Foods, and also includes such Supplier’s own suppliers and sub-contractors. Suppliers are also expected to communicate and apply our Code and relevant policies throughout their own supply chain.
Compliance with Applicable Laws, Regulations and Practices
At a minimum, we require our Suppliers to act in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. In addition, international laws and industry standards must be followed where applicable. If there is a conflict between what the law requires and the standards of our Supplier Code of Conduct, we expect our Suppliers to meet the higher standard.
Verification of Compliance
Hormel Foods expects all Suppliers to be able to demonstrate compliance with this Code. Suppliers must promptly respond to our requests for compliance verification, and Suppliers must take any necessary action to correct noncompliance. Hormel Foods reserves the right to terminate a Supplier business relationship in the event of a Supplier’s egregious violation or failure to satisfactorily correct a noncompliance. Hormel Foods maintains the right to take certain actions, such as inspection of production facilities or review of the applicable documentation, to ensure compliance with this Code.
Human Rights
Suppliers are expected to act in accordance with the international principles and guidelines aimed at promoting and protecting human rights, including the International Bill of Human Rights, International Labour Organization Conventions and Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, UN Declaration of Human Rights, UN Global Compact’s 10 Principles and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Hormel Foods expects compliance by our Suppliers throughout our supply chain, including:
We expect Suppliers to foster an inclusive and diverse work environment that is free from harassment and discrimination of any kind. Suppliers must not discriminate in hiring and employment practices based on race, color, gender, gender identity or expression, religion, age, nationality, sexual orientation, social or ethnic origin, disability, pregnancy, political affiliation, veteran status, union membership or marital status.
Working Hours, Wages and Benefits
Suppliers must meet or exceed all legal requirements for compensation, working hours, time off, rest periods, benefits and working conditions.
Health and Safety at Workplace
Suppliers must provide safe and healthy working conditions and have appropriate controls, procedures, and training in place.
Freedom of Association
Suppliers must respect the rights of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
No Forced or Compulsory Labor
Suppliers must ensure that no forced labor, including bonded, indentured, or involuntary prison labor, is used. Suppliers must ensure that no fees or costs are charged to job-seekers and employees for the services directly related to recruitment for temporary or permanent job placement, including when using the services of private recruitment, a labor broker or employment agent or performing recruitment activities directly. Workers must be allowed to terminate employment at any time upon reasonable notice.
No Child Labor
Suppliers must not use or tolerate the use of human trafficking, forced labor or child labor as defined by the International Labour Organization. The term “child” refers to any person employed under the age of 15 (or 14 where the applicable laws permit), or under the age of completing compulsory education, or a minimum age for employment in the country.
Immigration Law Compliance
Suppliers will only employ workers with a legal right to work, which Supplier must validate before the employment by reviewing the relevant documents. Suppliers must ensure they only use employment agencies that follow these same standards.
Small and Diverse Business Inclusion
Suppliers must make all possible efforts to include small and diverse suppliers (minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned, disabled-owned, disadvantaged or HUB-certified businesses) in their active supplier base and partnerships.
Hormel Foods expects Suppliers to have programs in place to reduce their environmental impacts, set targets for improvement, measure efforts, and make a commitment to continuous improvement, including, but not limited to, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing food waste, minimizing food packaging, increasing recyclability, reducing or optimizing the use of water, energy, and agriculture inputs, and minimizing water pollution and waste.
For Suppliers who are subject to deforestation laws (i.e., beef, cocoa, coffee, fiber-based packaging, palm oil, soy, sugar), Hormel Foods expects such Suppliers to follow all applicable laws requiring such Suppliers to legally acquire land rights, and to take measures to ensure the protection of high conservation value areas, high carbon stock forests, rainforests and peatlands (regardless of depth). Hormel Foods does not procure products directly sourced from areas at high risk for deforestation and expects the same from its Suppliers.
Animal Care
Hormel Foods has a zero-tolerance policy toward the mistreatment of animals through abuse or neglect. To maintain our high standards, Hormel Foods requires that all Suppliers of live animals, products containing animal protein, or products containing animal byproducts, will always observe appropriate animal welfare and handling practices pursuant to applicable laws and industry standards. In addition, all Suppliers of live animals are contractually required to abide by additional animal care and treatment specifications.
Product Quality and Safety
Suppliers must ensure high-quality and safe products through appropriate measures of quality control. All ingredients and products must be produced following the highest standards of sanitation.
Business Integrity
Confidential Information and Intellectual Property
Confidential information must be protected and must not be used inappropriately or to support insider trading activity. Suppliers must respect intellectual property rights and safeguard customer and other protected information.
Gifts and Hospitality
No gift, loan or favor should be made by any Supplier to employees, officers, directors, or their immediate families if it is intended to influence a business decision. This does not prohibit casual, business entertainment consistent with the Supplier’s usual practices or gifts of nominal value ($100 or less).
Anti-Bribery and Corruption
Suppliers must not, directly or through others, offer, give, or accept any form of payment or incentive to gain an improper business advantage. Suppliers must not engage in bribery (including facilitations payments), kickbacks, money laundering, or any other form of corruption. Suppliers must, as applicable, comply with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and the UK Bribery Act and shall not take any actions to violate, or cause business partners to violate, any applicable anti-bribery and corruption laws.
To report a concern, please visit our third-party compliance website or call our hotline (1-833-672-1232). Both are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
2023 Hormel Foods Antibiotic Stewardship Report
2024 Hormel Foods Circularity Report
California Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures Act (VCMDA) Disclosure
CDP Climate Change Questionnaire
CDP Water Security Questionnaire
Code of Ethical Business Conduct
White Paper – Antibiotic Stewardship: Antibiotic Alternatives