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Meet our Inspired Interns

This summer Hormel Foods proudly welcomes the 2024 class of inspired interns to its award-winning summer internship program. The company hosts more than 90 college students who represent over 50 colleges and universities throughout the United States.
  • Alex Molfetas, consumer innovation intern, Corporate Office (Austin, Minnesota)

    Alex spent the week learning about what to look out for in product tastings and how to use new software for data research.

    “I love learning more about the details of the work my department does. Everything is connected, and there’s so much I didn’t know!” she says.

    Her favorite project this week was helping to prepare a presentation to inform teachers about a new innovation method, and her favorite Hormel Foods product is Skippy® P.B. Bites.

  • Eli Garcia, engineering intern, R&D (Austin, Minnesota)

    Eli spent his early days becoming familiar with the Innovation Center and the various aspects of his work. He enjoyed learning about R&D applications and how they translate to other areas of production.

    “I learned how to use and navigate some of the applications the team uses,” he says. His favorite project this week was helping to design a potential package for SPAM® singles and having fun looking at samples with the product inside. Eli’s favorite Hormel Foods product is Corn Nuts® Mexican street corn.

  • Helen Olson, production management intern

    Helen Olson, production management intern, spent her week becoming familiar with the processes of production — from the start to the final packaged product.

    “I really enjoyed learning all the ins and outs of the curing department to understand the overall big picture and how it fits in with supply management,” she says.

    Helen has had the opportunity to tour the Austin (Minnesota) Plant facility and become more familiar with other interns and team members as well. Her favorite Hormel Foods product is Corn Nuts® chile picante.

  • Laura Landis, plant engineering intern at our Austin (Minnesota) Plant

    Laura has been orienting herself to the plant and its many departments.

    “I walked the plant with a tax appraiser who had to stop at every piece of equipment, so I got to learn the purpose of most of the equipment and get used to the food safety procedures,” she says.

    Her favorite product is Skippy® peanut butter.

  • Sarah Douglas, accounting and finance intern, Corporate Office (Austin, Minnesota)

    Sarah has learned a lot this week about yields and how they relate to the company’s products and the facilities that make those products.

    “It was really interesting to see how the yields changed each day and to communicate with the plant about why the yields are the way they are,” she says.

    Sarah’s experience has allowed her to see the need for various positions, such as accountants, within a brand team like Skippy® peanut butter and a company like Hormel Foods. Her favorite Hormel Foods product is Hormel® Black Label® bacon.

  • Abby Gase, food safety and quality intern at the Corporate Office and Austin Plant

    Abby has been learning how the quality department works.

    “From the different software program trainings to seeing how many brands are made, all the new experiences in the first week have been amazing!” she says.

    Throughout the summer, Abby will be traveling to various plants to work on a HACCP validation project. Her favorite products are Corn Nuts® snacks and Hormel® pepperoni.

  • Olivia Poppen, industrial engineering intern at the Austin (Minnesota) Plant

    Olivia has been learning the importance of networking and being open to new opportunities.

    “As interns, we are constantly being told to ask questions and to take the opportunity to get to know your co-workers. Two weeks in, I can already see the impact that making connections and asking questions can have on this internship experience.”

    Olivia’s has been participating in many training modules and appreciates how they’re helping her with her projects, like learning the processes of the bacon mold line. Her favorite product is Skippy® peanut butter.

  • Jose Alejandro Torres Almada, quality assurance intern at the Austin (Minnesota) Plant

    Jose has been busy learning about various facets of quality control. Jose’s favorite project has been collecting samples of products that were on hold for analysis, which is teaching him how to work through issues when things don’t go as planned. This week, he had the opportunity to inspect pallets of products being exported to China!

    His favorite Hormel Foods product is Wholly® guacamole.

    “From my perspective as a consumer, it is a very practical product, high-quality and delicious, and from my perspective as a food chemist, it amazes me all the science and technology involved in its production.”