The Best Halloween Candy According to Our Staff

The Washington Post
Justin’s® Mini Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
Peanut butter cups are the perfect candy. I built my Halloween obsession as a kid on Reese’s, of course, but as an adult I discovered Justin’s, which uses Rainforest Alliance certified chocolate (and sells varieties that include almond butter, white and dark chocolate). I switched teams, although I won’t pass up a Reese’s if somebody else is buying. My preferred size are minis because I just don’t want to eat an entire — oh, who am I kidding? Thankfully, these are foil-wrapped, because the foil forces me to take at least a few seconds of “rest” before I eat another one, thereby allowing me to indulge in the fantasy that I’m not actually gorging. It’s a trick and a treat, all in one. — Joe Yonan