Prevention’s 2020 Healthy Food Awards: 24 Nutritious Grocery Store Picks to Buy Right Now
The Prevention Test Kitchen staff spent the winter investigating hundreds of nutrition labels and tasting dozens of products from all aisles of the grocery store.
The only criteria? Everything had to be made with real, recognizable ingredients, contain no trans fats or hydrogenated oils, have less than 10 grams of added sugars per serving, and avoid excess sodium.
They’re stuffed—but happy to bring you these, the 24 very best items to keep stocked in your pantry and fridge. Most of these goodies are also available at supermarkets around the country, so keep an eye out for them during your next trip. Here’s to eating well!
APPLEGATE NATURALS™ No Sugar Original Pork Breakfast Sausage
It can be tough to find sausage without preservatives, fillers, or additives, but Applegate’s has only pork and spices.