Louisiana Firefighter Wins $10G at NYC Chili Competition, Dedicates His Prize to Fallen Brother

New York Daily News
Firefighter, Jeremy Chauvin, of Louisiana, took home the $10,000 grand prize and named his chili after his fallen brother at America’s Best Firehouse Chili Competition in Manhattan.
A Louisiana firefighter named his prize-winning chili after his brother — another firefighter who died in the line of duty last year.
Jeremy Chauvin and his “Spencer Chili,” took home the $10,000 grand prize Wednesday at America’s Best Firehouse Chili Competition at the New York City Fire Museum.
Another $20,000 were donated to the National Fallen Firefighter Foundation, which sponsors programs to reduce firefighter injuries and death, awards scholarships and offers behavioral and grief intervention, said its executive director, Ron Siarnicki.