I Tried Every Container of Store-Bought Guacamole I Could Find — And the Winner Is (Almost) Better than Homemade

When it comes to guacamole, there is one recipe I prefer above anyone else’s: my own! Guacamole has become Americanized throughout the last decade. (I’m sure we all know by know that guac is extra.) Of course, it also remains a staple dip in Mexican homes, typically served in the molcajete — or Mexican mortar and pestle — it was made in. Each guacamole can vary in unique touches (I’ve heard of, but not tried, guac recipes with pomegranate arils), but most have the same base ingredients: avocado, lime, onion, salt, pepper, cilantro, and a must-have spicy element, like jalapeño.With chip-and-dip season in the air, I was curious to see if there were any store-bought guacamoles that could compare to the freshness and brightness of the homemade thing. So I visited the refrigerator cases at several of my local supermarkets and big-box grocers to stock up and find out!
The Winner: Herdez® Traditional Spicy Guacamole
From now on, when I don’t feel like making my own guacamole, this will be my go-to! I personally don’t prefer tomatoes in my guacamole and this one has them, but the gauc is well-seasoned with the perfect amount of heat for my Chicana palate. The addition of serrano peppers (my personal favorites and the peppers I use in my own recipe) impressed me, considering most of the other store-bought guacamoles use jalapeños as their main spice. This guacamole also has a good chunky consistency that my chips could still handle while scooping.