Awards & Recognition
Hormel Foods Recognized on Best Corporate Citizen List

Hormel Foods is once again on Corporate Responsibility Magazine’s 100 Best Corporate Citizen list.
Hormel Foods was ranked No. 37 on the list, which was based on 134 updated corporate disclosure and performance factors in seven categories: climate change, employee relations, environment, finance, governance, human rights, and stakeholders and society.
Hormel Foods says this is a huge honor and helps serve as a benchmark for them when reviewing their strengths and weakness.
Austin resident Amanda Gunderson says she is impressed with the work that Hormel Foods does in the community and the recognition makes her proud.
“I think they are making a very good impact,” said Gunderson. “They are highly community involved. They give back to the community. They reinvest funds they give scholarships to the kids.
This is the 11th consecutive year that Hormel has made the list.