Companies Donate to ETX Food Bank to Fight Holiday Hunger

CBS 19
As the Thanksgiving nears and families prepare to indulge in a variety of delicious foods, the East Texas Food Bank is reminding folks not to take their meals for granted.
“Really one out of every four children are food insecure in our communities,” blank said.
That’s why companies are working together this holiday season to make sure no one goes hungry. Hormel Foods Corporation is partnering with Brookshire’s to donate over 1,000 hams to the East Texas Food Bank. It’s all to help those in need this holiday season.
“I see this every year. We have customers that come in that just, when are you going to start this so we can help donate, so we can help out. Then we have customers that come in and say hey, we just want to thank you for helping out,” Super 1 Food Manager Chris Belt said.