Andino Back with SPAM® Brand Yum

Cook along at home with Andino’s online cooking class, or just kick back and enjoy the demonstration with the rest of the SPAM™ily.
To watch, visit Wednesday at 8 p.m. EDT. Click on his profile photo when the live icon pops up, and enjoy the sizzling deliciousness of the SPAM® products from your smartphone, tablet or computer.
When not cooking for Instagram audiences during the COVID-19 quarantine, Andino is the host of “Late Nite Eats” on the Cooking Channel. He is also the chef/owner of Flip Sigi, a restaurant with two locations in in New York City, specializing in Filipino cuisine. The SPAM® brand team first partnered with the well-known culinarian during the 2017 Tiny House of Sizzle tour, where he debuted a recipe for a spicy SPAM® breakfast burrito.