15 Spicy, Sweet, Savory and Salty Low-Carb Snacks You Can Buy Online

E! News
And because going low-carb has been A Thing for so long, there are tons of options for low-carb snacking, and tons of companies that make munchies that are perfect for a low-carb diet. There’s meaty snacks like beef and salmon jerky, or sweet snacks that are brownie-like (and even vegan!). There’s protein puffs and moon cheese and nut butters galore… so no, you definitely won’t starve, even though there may be days where your body says otherwise!
But to stave off that internal chatter, we found 15 low-carb snacks that will fill you up, tantalize your taste buds, and satisfy your sweet tooth. Shop below for the snacks that can help make your low-carb diet a success!
Justin’s Classic Peanut Butter Squeeze Packs
Sometimes you just need a simple snack that’s good for on-the-go. Justin’s Classic Peanut Butter fits the bill, and these individual squeeze packs make it far more convenient than carrying a jar of the stuff with you everywhere you go. Each pack features just two ingredients that are gluten free and non-GMO: peanuts and responsibly-sourced palm oil. Plus, each pack features eight grams of protein, two grams of fiber, two grams of sugar, and zero trans fats. Yay!