10 (Or So) Questions With … Savile Lord

Post Bulletin
Rochester Magazine: Do you ever go by your full name? Savile Collins de Montenay Fitzalan de Dinan Lord?
Savile Lord: Yes. On occasion, but not very often. Not for work reasons.
Because your business card would be too long?
And on my license, they can’t fit it all, so …
Be honest, how many times a week do you eat Spam?
Seven days a week.
You don’t really.
I do.
You eat Spam seven days …
OK. Six days a week.
You have to say that.
No, I don’t. So we serve spamples in the museum. So they are little bits of Spam that are served with pretzels. And so when our Spambassadors—the ones who represent the museum—go around with spamples they always stop in my office. I would say I take one 90 percent of the time, and they come through three to four times a day. So I eat at least one during the day. At home, I eat Spam for breakfast. And I have a pasta salad that I absolutely love with Spam. My husband loves Spam.
Had you eaten it before you took the job?
I had tried it once or twice. I would go out camping and we would take two of those little hashbrowns, put a little Spam in the middle. Usually Spam with cheese because then it melts, wrap it up in foil and there you go.