Jennie-O’s Turkey Help Hotline Is Coming Back With a New Feature

1-800-TURKEYS sounds like a hotline for reporting inconsiderate drivers, bad tippers, and all manner of jerks, but, for 13 years, it’s been poultry purveyor Jennie-O’s turkey prep answer desk. And for the first time ever you can text them, too.
The line is opening up more than three weeks before a Thanksgiving where increased numbers of people might find themselves roasting a whole bird, mashing potatoes, and mulling the merits of canned cranberry sauce versus homemade for the first time. The service offers quick answers to questions you might have otherwise been able to ask a bird-brained friend or relative right in the warmth of their own kitchen in a more normal year. Phone call-averse home chefs can also text the word “Turkey” to 73876 or live-chat on Jennie O’s site to get answers without making a peep.
“In a year when family bonds and giving thanks are more important than ever, we are thrilled to help make Thanksgiving meals entertaining, flavorful and easy,” vice president of marketing at Jennie-O Nicole Behne said in a statement. “No matter where you are or who you’re with this season, Jennie-O is here to answer your questions and help make your Thanksgiving meal a success.”
The November 2 opening date is a nice, wide jumpstart on the holiday, and for an even wider one, check out our Thanksgiving side ranking , store-bought side guide , and a look at some of last year’s Thanksgiving table preferences. We were so innocent then.