It’s a familiar refrain at Hormel Foods: employees come for a job and find a home they don’t ever want to leave. The result is thousands of people with decades-long service, amazed at how quickly time passes when you’re having fun.
Meet Arlis Pesta, one of the earliest employees of Dan’s Prize, a member of the Hormel Foods family since 1991. She’ll mark her 30th anniversary in January 2018, though she will likely shy away from a celebration of the milestone.
“I’m not used to having my picture taken or being in front of a crowd,” she says. “I’m more of a back-40 person.”
Be that as it may, Arlis was recognized recently as the first employee at her Browerville, Minn., location to receive the Hormel Foods jersey, the trophy that is awarded to all Pride of the Jersey recipients.
“Arlis has mentored many supervisors and helped us all with a variety of issues in the plant,” says Dan’s Prize President Jeff Tobak, who summarized her career and her family life for those who came to honor her.
Arlis joined Dan’s Prize in 1988 as an administrative assistant. Since then, she has served as a line supervisor “because Dan’s Prize needed the help,” payroll supervisor, accounts payable supervisor, office manager, cost accountant and maintenance inventory clerk, her current position.