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Celebrating Pride Month with HProud & Allies

June 1, 2024


During Pride Month, we’re shining a spotlight on some of the inspired people who make our company uncommon.

Our network of employee and business resource groups helps to foster our Cultural Belief of Inclusion and Belonging and create an environment where people feel respected and valued as their authentic selves. Meet some of the members of our HProud & Allies LGBTQ+ inclusivity resource group.

Heidi A.

Fostering an inclusive environment for team members is crucial for creating a workplace where everyone feels welcome, valued and able to contribute their unique perspectives.

Heidi A.

Heidi is the innovation lead for commercialization at Hormel Foods and member of the HProud & Allies employee resource group. Heidi has been with the company for 10 years, and currently manages the innovation process and project management teams as part of the Brand Fuel team.

What is the importance of Pride Month, and what does it mean to you?

Pride Month holds significant importance, as it serves as a time to celebrate and honor the LGBTQ+ community, raise awareness about LGBTQ+ rights and issues, and commemorate the history of LGBTQ+ activism.

My nibling has had the courage and authenticity to embrace their nonbinary identity. Incidentally, the term “nibling” is commonly used as a gender-neutral alternative to niece and nephew. Recognizing Pride Month holds a special significance, as it allows us to celebrate and honor my nibling’s identity openly. It’s a time for us to stand in solidarity with them, to educate ourselves, and to advocate for a more inclusive and accepting society. Embracing Pride Month is not just about acknowledging my nibling’s journey, but also about creating a world where everyone, regardless of their gender identity, can live authentically and without fear of discrimination.

How do you foster an inclusive environment for our team members?

Fostering an inclusive environment for team members is crucial for creating a workplace where everyone feels welcome, valued and able to contribute their unique perspectives. It involves creating a safe and supportive space where individuals can be their authentic selves, participate equally and have their voices heard.

What’s the best advice you would give your younger self?

If I could offer advice to my younger self, it would be to prioritize self-care and mental well-being. Understanding the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance and protecting personal time is crucial for overall well-being. Additionally, I would encourage my younger self to embrace authenticity and individuality, to be kind to oneself and to avoid trying to fit into societal expectations.

How do you keep yourself inspired?

I make it a point to continuously seek out new ideas through reading, attending workshops, and following people on social media from diverse backgrounds. This allows me to broaden my perspective and stay open to new possibilities.

Shawn L.

To me Pride means love, acceptance, educating and celebration. Free to be who we want to be.

Shawn L.

Shawn is the country manager of Canada retail at Hormel Foods and member of the HProud & Allies employee resource group. He has been with the company for 16 months, and currently manages all operations on the retail side of Canadian business.

What is the importance of Pride Month and what does it mean to you personally?

To recognize the rights and achievements of people belonging to the LGBTQ+ community, but also push to change the laws that still hurt our communities around the world. To me, Pride means love, acceptance, education and celebration. Free to be who we want to be.

How do you foster an inclusive environment for our team members, customers and consumers?

I try to make sure my team members feel valued, respected and supported, regardless of their background, identity or other differences. It’s a place where we embrace and celebrate our diversity.

What’s the best advice you would give your younger self?

Don’t hide in the back of classrooms and boardrooms because you’re afraid of the judgment for not sounding, acting or looking like everyone else in the room. Be your true self as much as you can. The isolation and pain you felt in your younger years did not need to happen; you are an amazing individual that people loved once the walls came down.

How do you keep yourself inspired?

I’m inspired by seeing change and knowing the work I’m doing today will help younger LGBTQ+ people be able to be their true selves at work and not worry about masking themselves to fit in.

Shaw C.

My goal is to help foster a culture where everyone can thrive and be their authentic selves at work.

Shaw C.

Shaw is a R&D Manager at Applegate Farms and member of the HProud & Allies employee resource group. He has been with the company for 9 years, and currently creates, develops, and renovates products for Applegate.

What is the importance of Pride Month and what does it mean to you personally?

Pride Month commemorates the Stonewall Riots of 1969 and highlights the ongoing fight for LGBTQ+ rights, visibility and acceptance. It is a time to celebrate the diversity and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment. Personally, it serves as a moment for reflection, connection and renewed commitment to advocacy and support. There are a lot of celebrations that happen during Pride Month, and being able to celebrate myself, after years of not being able to while growing up, means a lot to me. In addition, the community around me fosters a greater sense of community and belonging.

What role does allyship play during Pride Month and beyond?

Allyship is critically important during Pride Month and all year round. Allies help by supporting us, spreading the word about LGBTQ+ issues and fighting against discrimination. It’s not just about showing up in June; it’s about always being there, learning and making sure we’re all safe and respected every day.

Having allies is important because they help amplify our voices and bring more awareness to our issues. Allies can reach a variety of audiences, helping to break down stereotypes and prejudice. They also offer crucial support and advocacy, making it easier to push for equality and create safe, inclusive spaces for everyone.

What motivated you to join the HProud & Allies employee resource group?

My motivation to join and then lead the HProud & Allies ERG at Hormel Foods came from a desire to make a real difference in creating an inclusive workplace. Initially, joining the group allowed me to understand the challenges and opportunities within the company and connect with others who share similar experiences. Seeing the impact and potential of the group inspired me to take on a leadership role, where I could drive initiatives, advocate for our community, and ensure that every LGBTQ+ team member feels valued and supported. My goal is to help foster a culture where everyone can thrive and be their authentic selves at work.

Denver R.

I remember driving into the office three years ago. I had been a team member for only two months, and I saw the Pride flag flying. It literally brought tears to my eyes seeing that. It was a statement that solidified that I made the right choice, and that is where I will thrive.

Denver R.

Denver is the manager of organizational development at Hormel Foods and member of the HProud & Allies employee resource group. He has been with the company for 3 years, and currently leads performance management and talent development initiatives for the United States, Brazil, and China.

What is the importance of Pride Month and what does it mean to you personally?

Pride rose from a riot, turned to a celebration and now marks how far we’ve come, yet how far we still need to go. It is a time to validate the importance of your individuality and a sense of community.

What role does allyship play during Pride Month and beyond?

As a queer person, I’ve learned that true allyship isn’t a badge one wears; it’s an ongoing commitment demonstrated through action, consistency and bravery. Allyship is earned, not claimed.

How do you foster an inclusive environment for our team members, customers and consumers?

Being queer is one label I carry. None of us has a single identity, but many layers and facets make up our whole selves. It’s recognizing this in myself and seeing it in others. It’s not claiming I am “colorblind,” but seeing that unique layer of an individual, learning from them and being their ally. We all have something in common, which is the best place to start.

What’s the best advice you would give your younger self?

Don’t take yourself so seriously. Love all the parts that make you, you. Live your unapologetically authentic story. You will make an impact and change lives.

How do you keep yourself inspired?

I think of a car’s rear-facing mirror. I have this huge windshield view ahead of me, and I’m driving forward on a constantly changing journey. While that is satisfying, I also have this small mirror to look into. I use that not to dwell on the past but to remind myself how far I’ve come.