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Barbeque Legend and Hormel Foods Hit the Road

Dominique Saint Malo | August 7, 2021


Moe Cason and the Good Feeds Us All Tour create lasting connections and lasting change.

In order to make change, you have to believe change is possible. The Good Feeds Us All Tour, an extension of the 2019 branding campaign of the same name, is back on the road as the makers of Hormel® Natural Choice® brand share their insight, passion and faith in a bright future with communities across the Midwest. This year, they’re joined by Moe Cason, a U.S. Navy veteran and award-winning barbeque pitmaster who not only believes in change, but may even prove that change is already underway.

He’s an individual who has given back to the community and he’s passionate about it.

John Hernandez, Hormel® Natural Choice® brand manager

Born, raised, and as his website says, corn-fed out of Des Moines, Iowa, Cason is a self-taught pitmaster whose love of barbeque quickly turned into a way of life (see some of his barbeque tips below). Having competed in over 260 contests, his devotion to the craft reflects his authenticity and support of initiatives he truly believes in. John Hernandez, Hormel® Natural Choice® brand manager, says the tour’s partnership with Moe is a perfect fit: “He’s an individual who has given back to the community and he’s passionate about it.”

As brand ambassador, Moe helped launch Hardwood Smoked Deli Meats, a line of meats which has a more involved, time-intensive preparation process than the usual lunch meat but which will have a comparatively lower price, keeping accessibility and affordability at the forefront of the Hormel collaboration. Sandwiches using Hardwood Smoked Deli Meats will be shared on the Good Feeds Us All Tour.

Three barbeque tips from Moe Cason

  1. “If you’re looking, you ain’t cooking.” Every time you open your door, you’re dropping the temperature 15–20 degrees, and stopping the cooking process. I don’t care if it’s only for a minute, the temperature drops and then you’ve got to catch up and add that on to the back end of your cook.
  2. Make sure you have a good-quality hand-held thermometer. If the thermometer isn’t calibrated, it gives you a false number, and then you wind up undercooking or overcooking. If you buy a remote probe wireless thermometer, you can set it up at the start of the cook and then keep an eye on it, and not open the door of your smoker at all.
  3. Meat quality counts. Use the highest quality you can afford. The better quality the cut of meat, the more flavorful the meat is going to be — and also, a little bit more forgiving.

Building Meaningful Relationships

In 2021, human connection seems more vital than ever, and John agrees. “There seems to be a greater need and even appetite to bring people together, to reach out to communities, and to do good,” he says. “As things are opening up, it’s creating great opportunities to create more of these human interactions.”

This summer, the Good Feeds Us All Tour will visit Minnesota, Missouri and Iowa, and give platforms to voices on veteran outreach, at-risk youth and more, holding true to its focus on honoring those giving back to their communities. In this way, the tour supports these organizations and also poses some important questions: How are strong communities built, and how can we help?

Mo Cason at a Hormel® Natural Choice® Good Feeds Us All Tour stop in Minnesota.

The organizations taking part in the Good Feeds Us All Tour have solutions to both questions:

  • Hallie Q. Brown Community Center, the Lighthouse of the Community: This organization provides underserved people of color with everything from affordable early learning to out-of-school programs for youth to assistance with basic needs — including food.
  • Veterans Community Project: This 501(c)(3) organization was founded by a group of combat veterans in Kansas City, Mo., who resolved to stand in the gaps of a broken system that left too many of their brothers and sisters behind. Their solutions include the Veteran Outreach Center (a walk-in support and resources center ) and VCPVillage (a special community of tiny homes designed to provide temporary housing and supportive services to help veterans get back on their feet).
  • Starts Right Here: This organization inspires at-risk youth in the Des Moines Public Schools through their motivational speaking events. Their mission is to empower youth to make positive life choices through things like music, sports and education.

Giving Others a Platform

Ultimately, building and fostering relationships, and amplifying folks like Moe, is the heart of the tour’s mission. “We’re giving exposure to these great stories and individuals, and creating more of that awareness for these great initiatives,” John says. “I see our mission as being able to form these connections, not only with ourselves and with our food, but also community-wise.” Those connections and more will be made with Moe Cason and the amazing organizations in this summer’s lineup, proving that if change comes in waves, the Good Feeds Us All Tour leaves plenty to admire in its wake.

Try His Recipe

Hardwood Smoked Ciabatta Sandwich

Easy Meals
Total time

Prep Time

Cook Time

Cook Method


3 ciabatta rolls, split and toasted
½ cup guacamole or mashed avocado
3 slices white cheddar cheese
3 pieces bibb lettuce
3 slices heirloom tomato
2 (6-ounce) packages HORMEL® NATURAL CHOICE® Pecanwood Smoked Sweet Black Pepper Ham or HORMEL® NATURAL CHOICE® Applewood Smoked Garlic & Herb Turkey Breast


  1. Spread cut sides of each roll with guacamole. Top bottom half of each roll with 1 slice cheese, 1 piece lettuce, 1 slice tomato and 4 slices ham or turkey. Cover with top halves of rolls.